2021年2月18日Feb. 18, 2021 is HAACHAMADAY because it’s 8.

You want to see Haachama & Akai haato’s streaming?
Then I’ll tell you the good doctor.
Hahahaha, just kidding.
Then you should continue to watch Haachama & Akai haato’s streaming.
And if you find her streaming uninteresting?
Then you should become a doctor.
But,I will enjoy my life watching Haachama & Akai haato’s streaming though.
You know who I am?
I’m the doctor who surgically connected the necks of Haachama and Akai Haato back in the day.


↑Feb. 10, 2021と・・・あれから約2週間、色々考察することが出来て面白かったですね。しかし、本当に終わったのかは、はあちゃまのみぞ知る。