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Don’t stop, holo live!We will do our best to support Holo Live Vtuber.

This site has information for backing up Holo Live Vtuber, introduction of Steam games that are likely to be popular overseas and in Japan, introduction of niche games that are in the style of Holo Live Vtuber, good points after streaming and comments of overseas listeners etc. , A site for Vtuber of Holo Live.This is a portal site that sends Hololive distribution videos and news to the English and Greater China regions.

Thank you ,Best regard





*2020年7月1日より中国政府による香港国家安全法の施行とアメリカ合衆国政府による香港自治法及び香港人権法の施行に関して、当サイトは中国本土(香港を含む)向けには閲覧を一切想定しておりません。ホロライブの運営会社及びホロライブ所属のVtuber及び関係者が上記3法に抵触する配信内容・映像・業務・事案や行動・発言に関して、アメリカ連邦政府と中国政府から何らあっても、当サイトは一切関係ありません。また中国系の政府機関・自動車及び通信機器・物販及び旅行・語学・音楽芸能・中国本土の情報サイトの広告及びアメリカ合衆国の香港自治法及び香港人権法施行に関連したアメリカ連邦政府及びその機関より制裁または輸出管理対象・規制指定されている中国企業及び個人・団体の広告及びそれらを取り扱っている販売サイト又は対象の人物が運営・経営に関している企業からの広告は受け付けておりません、またアメリカ合衆国のウイグル人権法に抵触ている中国共産党下部組織の人民日報と業務提携関係にある中国ビリビリ動画(Tik tok含む)等も紹介する事はありません。

*This site is not related even if Hololive & Cover Co., Ltd. and related parties violate the Hong Kong Autonomy Act and the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019.

Effective July 1, 2020, the Chinese government will implement the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the United States “Hong Kong Autonomy Act” and “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy. Regarding the enforcement of the “Act of 2019”, this site does not assume any browsing for mainland China (including Hong Kong). This site is irrelevant even if the US federal government and the Chinese government do anything regarding the distribution contents, videos, cases, actions and remarks that the operating company of Hololive, Vtuber belonging to Hololive and related persons violate the above three laws.

In addition, this site does not handle advertisements on Chinese government agencies, automobiles and communication devices, product sales and travel, languages, music entertainment, and information sites in mainland China.

in addition,
This site has not been requested by any of the advertisers below. It is the Chinese companies, individuals and organizations subject to sanctions or export controls by the US Federal Government and its US government agencies under the Hong Kong Autonomous Law and the 2019 Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Law in the United States.

We do not receive advertisements from the sales sites that handle them or the companies that the target person operates or manages.

This site does not introduce videos of Chinese bibili.
This is because China Bili Bili has a business alliance with the People’s Daily of the Communist Party of China, which is subject to sanctions under the Uighur Human Rights Act of the United States.

Thank you ,Best regard

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